Archive for the ‘Lincoln Douglas Debate’ Category


Deep Thoughts on the LD Topic

September 12, 2008

Looking to go deeper into the moral issue of killing one innocent person to save more innocent people?

Check out this information from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy!

Doing vs. Allowing Harm

The Rule of Consequentialism


New Topics Posted!

August 15, 2008

The new topics to start the 2008-2009 season of Lincoln Douglas and Public Forum have been posted!

 2008 September/October Lincoln Financial Group/NFL LD Debate Topic:
Resolved: It is morally permissible to kill one innocent person to save the lives of more innocent people.




2008 September Public Forum Debate Topic:
Resolved: That the United States should implement a military draft.


Let’s get researching!!


Clarity Through the Fog

July 30, 2008

A new article on using value and criteria for all you LDers!

Clarity Through the Fog Values and Criteria in LD

Pic provided by:

Improve Your Memory Skills

June 23, 2008

Check out these memorization Tools & Strategies for Extemp (and Beyond!)


Pic provided by’T%20FORGET.jpg


Hitler? Hitler? I’m So Sick of Hitler! Using Examples in Debate

June 18, 2008

Debaters and Limited Preparation speakers seem to rely heavily on a few well known, but not always applicable, examples to make their case.  Check out this great article to get started in expanding your use of geographic, historical, economic, societal, and current event examples!

Hitler? Hitler? I’m So Sick of Hitler! Using Examples in LD

Graphic provided by:


Current Events!

June 12, 2008

Anyone up for heated internet conversation?

Let’s share links to and opinions on interesting and significant current events that are happening this summer!

Is Hillary the best choice for VP?

 Can something be done to curb food prices?

Should President Bush be impeached?

What’s up with subsidizing big oil companies?

Got an opinion? Post it to the Current Events Page to get the convo started!


Clip Art provided by


Summer Camps!

May 31, 2008

Hone your skills this summer and come back next season ready to rock!

Check out the Summer Camps Page!



July 12, 2007

Looking for resources in Lincoln Douglas debate? Check out the new page!

Thank you to: for the above image.



June 11, 2007

Check out the pages to the right to learn more about me and the many aspects of speech and debate, including: Oral Interpretation, Limited Preparation Speaking, Platform Speaking, Parliamentary Debate, and more!
