
About the Moderator

Hello! Thank you for your interest. I am a high school speech and debate teacher who previously worked for The College of Idaho. I am currently finishing a Master’s of Arts in Teaching and hold a Bachelor of Arts in Politics & Economics, and an Associates Degree in Communications. 

Speech and debate have been a passion of mine for many years, I believe that speech and debate have a vital role in today’s schools. The opportunity to develop critical thinking skills, ability to articulate well-researched and considered beliefs, and the capacity to creatively represent issues of social significance are at the heart of a contemporary speech arts education. I am a living example of the power that speech and debate can have in the life of a student and I am looking forward to helping high school students engage in these meaningful activities.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this blog. I invite any and all comments and questions as we explore the myriad aspects of speech and debate activities together.


  1. Hey there, just wondering how i could reach you

    Please let me know

  2. hey!
    so lets do a summer bbw and pool party right before school starts…

    we should be able to get the lists of all the new novices and invite them so we can all get to know eachother!

  3. That sounds great T-Dog. Do you want to work with Fullbright to pick out a date?

  4. yo miller why you coatching nampa? they don’t deserve you!…well their debate team aint to bad, just don’t help their football team, even though they gonna need all the help they can get this year!!! [img]http://skyviewhawkfootball.com/images/albums/NewAlbum_0644b/matt4.jpg[/img]
    thats all they gonna see this year, our backs

  5. dang the image didn’t work


  7. Miller I have the following money making ideas:
    Guitar Hero Contest
    Halo 3 Contest
    Movie Making Contest
    School Film Festival $5 to get in
    A Safari or a haunted house
    or we could sell our bodies to science

  8. Hi, I really love the “deep thoughts” thing you did for LD with block arguments for the September/October Resolution. I was just wondering if you’d do one for the November/December resolution?

  9. Hey, thank you so much for putting up this website! This is so helpful, especially for someone like me who is easily confused about topics. XD My team and I really appreciate you!

  10. Hey Tabi,

    I got your comment on my blog, and it was good to see. I do think you can maybe help me.

    A while back I asked Mack to help me put together a debate course curriculum; basically the sort of thing I would see in one of his beginner debate courses, so that I could teach my Armenian students. While I took a debate course once for credit, we didn’t actually meet for real classes the entirety of the semester.

    Anyway, he said he’d get back to me, and while I trust that he will (he says he’s taking time to put together a substantive reply), I was wondering if maybe you had any advice for me as well, or would like to help in putting together a curriculum.

    Now, I’ll be frank and say that in the next couple months it’s possible that this may all be for naught. I’m beginning to think about ending my Peace Corps service early (I’m really in no way passionate about most of the work I’m dong here), but only if I can manage to get some work on an off year election campaign or some work in a political organization. But, for now I’m still here and will be here for the foreseeable future. Let me know, yo. My email’s the same as my blog address, but minus the .blogspot, and at gmail.

  11. Miller is a beast. in a good way

    • Thanks Erik! (I think) I’ve never set out to be beastly, but I can see how one might describe me in such a way!

      • do you need judges this year? i only have four courses this semester and get bored really easy.

      • I might at some point. I will let you know!

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